Professional garage conversions in and around Hull by expert architectural designers
Converting a Garage
Convert your garage into something incredible with the CK Architectural team. We help you unlock the potential that is hidden away within your garage and create something truly amazing without the need to extend. That means a low budget project that provides space without sacrifice.
Whether you’re looking for a private office space, playroom, man cave, yoga studio, home gym or even a fully functioning annexe/granny flat, we can help you to make it happen.
We’re experts in residential architecture, with over 150 years of experience across our team and having worked on countless garage conversion projects in Hull, Beverley, and the rest of East Yorkshire, we quipped to help you seamlessly through the process.
Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to discuss your project with you.
Designing Your Garage Conversion
The first thing to do after getting the measurements for your garage space and understanding more of what you actually want from the converted garage, the first major step in the architectural process is to design you a space you will love.
We factor in all of your likes and dislikes to create a perfectly laid out plan for your converted garage, letting you review it before anything is confirmed and make sure that it’s the right design for your situation.
Gaining the Relevant Permissions
After the design phase, the next stages of the project are focused on ensuring your build meets all requirements and gains all required permissions to move forward. That means determining if you need planning (usually you don’t, as you use your Permitted Development Rights, which we’ll advise on), as well as gaining building control approval if your new space is habitable. The building regulations drawings will also be of a high enough depth for builders to quote from too.
We will liaise with the local council for you in either of these cases to help you gain confirmation of all required permissions and to give you the best possible chance of success without any wasted time or money from any party.
Bringing Your Conversion to Life
Lastly, all you need to do is carry out the build itself. We have a network of builders that we can recommend to you as well as offering multiple services to help you with your build directly, too. That includes us managing your build for you, tendering the contract for you, vetting builders, administering contracts, providing working drawings, and much more too.
Any of these services can be tailored to you and your specific project, and we will be happy to run through any of them with you whenever you require more information throughout your project to ensure you have only the services that you want without anything that you don’t.
Project Management
The final stage of the garage conversion process is the build itself. While we are not builders, we do have a network of trusted builders that we would be happy to recommend to you to take on your project.
Alternatively, we also offer a project management service, where for a small percentage of the build cost, we will work with you to select and vet builders, administer contracts to protect all parties, and oversee the build to ensure only the bets quality and efficiency without any costly surprises cropping up.
For any more information on any area of the process, contact our friendly team today and we will do everything that we can do to help.

Click here for more info on Project Management
Book your call today
In our calls, you’ll chat with a friendly member of our design team. We’ll cover everything about your project, like the project brief, budget, design limitations, and advice on planning and building regulations, and much more.